We believe everyone deserves a place to call home.

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Code of Ethics

我们的道德准则提供了一个框架来指导和维护协会成员的行为责任. 道德和价值观是帮助我们实现卓越的支柱, enhance the experience of our members, and ensure the financial stability of the Association. As such, we require all members to conduct themselves in ethical, 言行诚实,提高协会的信誉, brand, and reputation.


Members pledge to:

• Refrain from dishonest statements or practices.
• Describe accurately and honestly the price, materials, or standards of workmanship used in a member’s job.
• Deal fairly with employees, subcontractors, suppliers, customers, and anyone else involved in the member’s projects.
•执行国家住宅建筑商协会住宅建筑性能指南的标准, in effect at time of construction.
• Support our local, state, and national home building associations, 以及所有与提供可得房屋有关的相关行业,因为这对MBAKS的利益和成员都是有利的.
• Refrain from discriminatory, harassing, 或针对协会工作人员的报复行为, members, 以及与MBA相关活动的第三方.
•保密:尊重并维护协会敏感信息的隐私, as well as that of other Members.
• Act transparently; declare any potential conflicts of interest.
•在协会内外以良好的形象代表协会. 不要做出有损协会声誉的行为或言论.

Inappropriate Conduct

bg真人游戏娱乐及其代表必须专业行事, honestly, fairly, 并以提高协会声誉的方式. Misconduct can result in disciplinary action. Our Association's success hinges on our esteemed staff and members; we invest heavily in our employees and in our industry relationships. 任何有损于我们的声誉或我们实现使命的能力的行为都是不能容忍的.

While not intended to be an exhaustive list, 以下是损害协会声誉的行为和行为的例子,是绝对不能容忍的.

• Engaging in activity that is prohibited by law.
• Violating any Association policy.
• Engaging in harmful gossip, erroneous, malicious, threatening, disparaging, disrespectful, offensive, or non-constructive commentary of any kind about member, staff, or the Association.
• Financing, promoting, 或支持从事有损本会之行为之个人或团体, or its employees.
•法律严格禁止对善意投诉或参与调查或道德委员会调查的人进行报复, Association policy and the Code of Ethics.
•在协会活动中从事冒犯性或破坏性行为, events, meetings, or engagements.
•从事任何被普遍认为是骚扰的行为, bullying, sexual or otherwise towards MBA staff, members and third parties.

鼓励成员向执行主任和董事会提出建设性意见. 有关雇员的问题应提交执行主任. 对执行董事的关切应向执董会主席提出.

违反法律或本道德准则的行为, 申诉应向执行主任或董事会主席提出.

Ethics Committee

Ethics concerns should be rare. 因此,除非另有证明,否则不应设立常设道德委员会. Instead, 执行董事或董事会认为需要进行道德调查, 董事会执行委员会应设立一个特别委员会来调查投诉,并向董事会提供建议的行动方案(包括不采取行动). 董事会将做出最终决定, if any, course of action is taken.

  • 特别道德委员会应有三名有表决权的委员, one alternate and the Executive Director. 道德委员会的所有成员必须是现任董事会成员(执行董事是董事会的无表决权成员)。.
    • When appointing the Ethics Committee, 执行委员会应特别注意避免利益冲突或道德委员会成员与手头案件之间可能存在的偏见.
    • 就每宗道德操守个案,执行委员会须向董事会披露:
      • 可能违反道德规范的一般性质,以及
      • 谁被选为特别道德委员会的成员.
  • 同时考虑潜在的道德违规和可能的纪律处分, the special Ethics Committee is to:
    • Maintain confidentiality
    • Gather all facts. 可以聘请独立调查员进行这一步骤.
    • Determine findings. 记录所有与所考虑的道德问题相关的重要细节和证据.
    • Determine recommended course of action, if any. Report such recommendation.
    • 向董事会报告调查结果和建议的行动方案.
  • Board of Directors will make final determination.

遵守《bg真人平台》将有助于营造一个相互尊重的环境, dedication, and collaboration. 我们希望通过共同的价值观和原则, the Association will thrive, 成员将体验到一个充实和谐的社区. This Code serves not just as a set of rules, 而是作为我们追求卓越和诚信的共同承诺的体现.

Revised November 30, 2023